Splined radial integral

This examples shows how to feed custom radial integrals (as splines) to the Rust calculators that use radial integrals: the SOAP and LODE spherical expansions, and any other calculator based on these.

This example illustrates how to generate splined radial basis functions/integrals, using a “rectangular” Laplacian eigenstate (LE) basis (https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0124363) as the example, i.e, a LE basis truncated with l_max, n_max hyper-parameters.

Note that the same basis is also directly available through rascaline.utils.SphericalBesselBasis with an how-to guide given in Laplacian eigenstate basis.

import ase
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from scipy.special import spherical_jn as j_l

from rascaline import SphericalExpansion
from rascaline.utils import RadialIntegralFromFunction, SphericalBesselBasis

Set some hyper-parameters

max_angular = 6
max_radial = 8
cutoff = 5.0

where cutoff is also the radius of the LE sphere. Now we compute the zeros of the spherical bessel functions.

z_ln = SphericalBesselBasis.compute_zeros(max_angular, max_radial)
z_nl = z_ln.T

and define the radial basis functions

def R_nl(n, el, r):
    # Un-normalized LE radial basis functions
    return j_l(el, z_nl[n, el] * r / cutoff)

def N_nl(n, el):
    # Normalization factor for LE basis functions, excluding the a**(-1.5) factor
    def function_to_integrate_to_get_normalization_factor(x):
        return j_l(el, x) ** 2 * x**2

    integral, _ = sp.integrate.quadrature(
        function_to_integrate_to_get_normalization_factor, 0.0, z_nl[n, el]
    return (1.0 / z_nl[n, el] ** 3 * integral) ** (-0.5)

def laplacian_eigenstate_basis(n, el, r):
    R = np.zeros_like(r)
    for i in range(r.shape[0]):
        R[i] = R_nl(n, el, r[i])
    return N_nl(n, el) * R * cutoff ** (-1.5)

Quick normalization check:

normalization_check_integral, _ = sp.integrate.quadrature(
    lambda x: laplacian_eigenstate_basis(1, 1, x) ** 2 * x**2,
print(f"Normalization check (needs to be close to 1): {normalization_check_integral}")
/home/runner/work/rascaline/rascaline/python/rascaline/examples/splined-radial-integral.py:72: DeprecationWarning: `scipy.integrate.quadrature` is deprecated as of SciPy 1.12.0and will be removed in SciPy 1.15.0. Please use`scipy.integrate.quad` instead.
  normalization_check_integral, _ = sp.integrate.quadrature(
/home/runner/work/rascaline/rascaline/python/rascaline/examples/splined-radial-integral.py:56: DeprecationWarning: `scipy.integrate.quadrature` is deprecated as of SciPy 1.12.0and will be removed in SciPy 1.15.0. Please use`scipy.integrate.quad` instead.
  integral, _ = sp.integrate.quadrature(
Normalization check (needs to be close to 1): 0.9999999999999999

Now the derivatives (by finite differences):

def laplacian_eigenstate_basis_derivative(n, el, r):
    delta = 1e-6
    all_derivatives_except_at_zero = (
        laplacian_eigenstate_basis(n, el, r[1:] + delta)
        - laplacian_eigenstate_basis(n, el, r[1:] - delta)
    ) / (2.0 * delta)
    derivative_at_zero = (
        laplacian_eigenstate_basis(n, el, np.array([delta / 10.0]))
        - laplacian_eigenstate_basis(n, el, np.array([0.0]))
    ) / (delta / 10.0)
    return np.concatenate([derivative_at_zero, all_derivatives_except_at_zero])

The radial basis functions and their derivatives can be input into a spline generator class. This will output the positions of the spline points, the values of the basis functions evaluated at the spline points, and the corresponding derivatives.

spliner = RadialIntegralFromFunction(

The, we feed the splines to the Rust calculator: Note that the atomic_gaussian_width will be ignored since we are not uisng a Gaussian basis.

hypers_spherical_expansion = {
    "cutoff": cutoff,
    "max_radial": max_radial,
    "max_angular": max_angular,
    "center_atom_weight": 0.0,
    "radial_basis": spliner.compute(),
    "atomic_gaussian_width": 1.0,  # ignored
    "cutoff_function": {"Step": {}},
calculator = SphericalExpansion(**hypers_spherical_expansion)

Create dummy systems to test if the calculator outputs correct radial functions:

def get_dummy_systems(r_array):
    dummy_systems = []
    for r in r_array:
        dummy_systems.append(ase.Atoms("CH", positions=[(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, r)]))
    return dummy_systems

r = np.linspace(0.1, 4.9, 20)
systems = get_dummy_systems(r)
spherical_expansion_coefficients = calculator.compute(systems)

Extract l = 0 features and check that the n = 2 predictions are the same:

block_C_l0 = spherical_expansion_coefficients.block(
    center_type=6, o3_lambda=0, neighbor_type=1
block_C_l0_n2 = block_C_l0.values[:, :, 2].flatten()
spherical_harmonics_0 = 1.0 / np.sqrt(4.0 * np.pi)

radial function = feature / spherical harmonics function

rascaline_output_radial_function = block_C_l0_n2 / spherical_harmonics_0

assert np.allclose(
    laplacian_eigenstate_basis(2, 0, r),
print("Assertion passed successfully!")
Assertion passed successfully!