Keys selectionΒΆ

This examples shows how to tell rascaline to compute a set of blocks which correspond to predefined keys. This can be used to either reduce the set of computed blocks if we are only interested in some of them (skipping the calculation of the other blocks); or when we need to explicitly add some blocks to the resulting descriptor (for example to match the block set of an already trained machine learning model).

This example uses functions discussed in Computing SOAP features and Property Selection, so we suggest that you read these first.

You can obtain a testing dataset from our website.

import chemfiles
import numpy as np
from metatensor import Labels, TensorBlock, TensorMap

from rascaline import SoapPowerSpectrum

First we load the dataset with chemfiles

with chemfiles.Trajectory("") as trajectory:
    frames = [f for f in trajectory]

and define the hyper parameters of the representation

    "cutoff": 5.0,
    "max_radial": 6,
    "max_angular": 4,
    "atomic_gaussian_width": 0.3,
    "center_atom_weight": 1.0,
    "radial_basis": {
        "Gto": {},
    "cutoff_function": {
        "ShiftedCosine": {"width": 0.5},

calculator = SoapPowerSpectrum(**HYPER_PARAMETERS)

The selections for keys should be a set of Labels, with the names of the keys being a subset of the names of the keys produced by the calculator.

descriptor = calculator.compute(frames)
print("keys names:", descriptor.keys.names)
keys names: ['center_type', 'neighbor_1_type', 'neighbor_2_type']

We can use these names to define a selection, and only blocks matching the labels in this selection will be used by rascaline. Here, only blocks with keys [1,1,1] and [4,4,4] will be calculated.

selection = Labels(
    names=["center_type", "neighbor_1_type", "neighbor_2_type"],
    values=np.array([[1, 1, 1], [4, 4, 4]], dtype=np.int32),
selected_descriptor = calculator.compute(frames, selected_keys=selection)

We get a TensorMap with 2 blocks, corresponding to the requested keys

    center_type  neighbor_1_type  neighbor_2_type
         1              1                1
         4              4                4

The block for [1, 1, 1] will be exactly the same as the one in the full TensorMap

answer = np.array_equal(descriptor.block(0).values, selected_descriptor.block(0).values)
print(f"Are the blocks 0 in the descriptor and selected_descriptor equal? {answer}")
Are the blocks 0 in the descriptor and selected_descriptor equal? True

Since there is no block for [4, 4, 4] in the full TensorMap, an empty block with no samples and the default set of properties is generated

(0, 180)

selected_keys can be used simultaneously with samples and properties selection. Here we define a selection for properties as a TensorMap to select different properties for each block:

selection = [
    Labels(names=["l", "n_1", "n_2"], values=np.array([[0, 0, 0]])),
    Labels(names=["l", "n_1", "n_2"], values=np.array([[1, 1, 1]])),
blocks = []
for entries in selection:
            values=np.empty((len(entries), 1)),

keys = Labels(
    names=["center_type", "neighbor_1_type", "neighbor_2_type"],
    values=np.array([[1, 1, 1], [8, 8, 8]], dtype=np.int32),

selected_properties = TensorMap(keys, blocks)

Only one of the key from our selected_properties will be used in the selected_keys, meaning the output will only contain this one key/block.

selected_keys = Labels(
    names=["center_type", "neighbor_1_type", "neighbor_2_type"],
    values=np.array([[1, 1, 1]], dtype=np.int32),

descriptor = calculator.compute(

As expected, we get 1 block with values of the form (420, 1), i.e. with only 1 property.

print(f"list of keys: {descriptor.keys}")
list of keys: Labels(
    center_type  neighbor_1_type  neighbor_2_type
         1              1                1
(420, 1)