Vesin: we are all neighbors =========================== .. |occ| image:: /static/images/Occitan.png :width: 18px .. |arp| image:: /static/images/Arpitan.png :width: 18px .. |lomb| image:: /static/images/Lombardy.png :width: 18px .. |cat| image:: /static/images/Catalan.png :width: 18px .. list-table:: :align: center :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 - * English 🇺🇸⁠/⁠🇬🇧 * Occitan |occ| * French 🇫🇷 * Arpitan |arp| * Gallo‑Italic |lomb| * Catalan |cat| * Spanish 🇪🇸 * Italian 🇮🇹 - * neighbo(u)r * vesin * voisin * vesin * visin * veí * vecino * vicino ``vesin`` is a lightweight neighbor list calculator for molecular systems and three-dimensional graphs. It is written in C++ and can be used as a standalone library from C or Python. ``vesin`` is designed to be :ref:`fast ` and easy to use. Installation ------------ .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Python :sync: python You can install the code with ``pip``: .. code-block:: bash pip install vesin **TorchScript:** The TorchScript bindings can be installed with: .. code-block:: bash pip install vesin[torch] .. tab-item:: C/C++ (CMake) :sync: cxx If you use CMake as your build system, the simplest thing to do is to add to your project. .. code-block:: cmake # assuming the code is in the `vesin/` directory (for example using # git submodule) add_subdirectory(vesin) target_link_libraries(your-target vesin) Alternatively, you can use CMake's `FetchContent `_ module to automatically download the code: .. code-block:: cmake include(FetchContent) FetchContent_Declare( vesin GIT_REPOSITORY ) FetchContent_MakeAvailable(vesin) target_link_libraries(your-target vesin) **TorchScript:** To make the TorchScript version of the library available to CMake as well, you should set the ``VESIN_TORCH`` option to ``ON``. If you are using ``add_subdirectory(vesin)``: .. code-block:: cmake set(VESIN_TORCH ON CACHE BOOL "Build the vesin_torch library") add_subdirectory(vesin) target_link_libraries(your-target vesin_torch) And if you are using ``FetchContent``: .. code-block:: cmake set(VESIN_TORCH ON CACHE BOOL "Build the vesin_torch library") # like above FetchContent_Declare(...) FetchContent_MakeAvailable(...) target_link_libraries(your-target vesin_torch) .. tab-item:: C/C++ (single file build) We support merging all files in the vesin library to a single one that can then be included in your own project and built with the same build system as the rest of your code. You can generate this single file to build with the following commands: .. code-block:: bash git clone cd vesin python Then you'll need to copy both ``include/vesin.h`` and ``vesin-single-build.cpp`` in your project and configure your build system accordingly. **TorchScript:** The TorchScript API does not support single file build, please use one of the CMake options instead. .. tab-item:: C/C++ (global installation) You can build and install vesin in some global location (referred to as ``$PREFIX`` below), and then use the right compiler flags to give this location to your compiler. In this case, compilation of ``vesin`` and your code happen separately. .. code-block:: bash git clone cd vesin mkdir build && cd build cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$PREFIX .. cmake --install . You can then compile your code, adding ``$PREFIX/include`` to the compiler include path, ``$PREFIX/lib`` to the linker library path; and linking to vesin (typically with ``-lvesin``). If you are building vesin as a shared library, you'll also need to define ``VESIN_SHARED`` as a preprocessor constant (``-DVESIN_SHARED`` when compiling the code). Some relevant cmake options you can customize: +------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ | Option | Description | Default | +==============================+==================================================+================================================+ | ``CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE`` | Type of build: Debug or Release | Release | +------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ | ``CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX`` | Prefix where the library will be installed | ``/usr/local`` | +------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ | ``BUILD_SHARED_LIBS`` | Default to building and installing a shared | OFF | | | library instead of a static one | | +------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ | ``VESIN_INSTALL`` | Should CMake install vesin library and headers | | ON when building vesin directly | | | | | OFF when including vesin in another project | +------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ | ``VESIN_TORCH`` | Build (and install if ``VESIN_INSTALL=ON``) the | OFF | | | vesin_torch library | | +------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ **TorchScript:** Set ``VESIN_TORCH`` to ``ON`` to build and install the TorchScript bindings. You can then compile your code, adding ``$PREFIX/include`` to the compiler include path, ``$PREFIX/lib`` to the linker library path; and linking to vesin_torch (typically with ``-lvesin_torch``). You'll need to also add to the include and linker path the path to the same torch installation that was used to build the library. Usage example ------------- .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Python :sync: python .. py:currentmodule:: vesin There are two ways to use vesin from Python, you can use the :py:class:`NeighborList` class: .. code-block:: Python import numpy as np from vesin import NeighborList # positions can be anything compatible with numpy's ndarray positions = [ (0, 0, 0), (0, 1.3, 1.3), ] box = 3.2 * np.eye(3) calculator = NeighborList(cutoff=4.2, full_list=True) i, j, S, d = calculator.compute( points=points, box=box, periodic=True, quantities="ijSd" ) Alternatively, you can use the :py:func:`ase_neighbor_list` function, which mimics the API of :py:func:`ase.neighborlist.neighbor_list`: .. code-block:: Python import ase from vesin import ase_neighbor_list atoms = ase.Atoms(...) i, j, S, d = ase_neighbor_list("ijSd", atoms, cutoff=4.2) .. tab-item:: C and C++ :sync: cxx .. code-block:: c++ #include #include #include #include int main() { // points can be any pointer to `double[3]` double points[][3] = { {0, 0, 0}, {0, 1.3, 1.3}, }; size_t n_points = 2; // box can be any `double[3][3]` array double box[3][3] = { {3.2, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 3.2, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 3.2}, }; bool periodic = true; // calculation setup VesinOptions options; options.cutoff = 4.2; options.full = true; // decide what quantities should be computed options.return_shifts = true; options.return_distances = true; options.return_vectors = false; VesinNeighborList neighbors; memset(&neighbors, 0, sizeof(VesinNeighborList)); const char* error_message = NULL; int status = vesin_neighbors( points, n_points, box, periodic, VesinCPU, options, &neighbors, &error_message, ); if (status != EXIT_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", error_message); return 1; } // use neighbors as needed printf("we have %d pairs\n", neighbors.length); vesin_free(&neighbors); return 0; } .. tab-item:: TorchScript Python The entry point for the TorchScript API is the :py:class:`vesin.torch.NeighborList` class in Python, and the corresponding :cpp:class:`vesin_torch::NeighborListHolder` class in C++; both modeled after the standard Python API. For Python, the class is available in the ``vesin.torch`` module. In both cases, the code is integrated with PyTorch autograd framework, meaning if the ``points`` or ``box`` argument have ``requires_grad=True``, then the ``d`` (distances) and ``D`` (distance vectors) outputs will be integrated to the computational graph. .. code-block:: Python import torch from vesin.torch import NeighborList positions = torch.tensor( [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.3, 1.3]], dtype=torch.float64, requires_grad=True, ) box = 3.2 * torch.eye(3, dtype=torch.float64) calculator = NeighborList(cutoff=4.2, full_list=True) i, j, S, d = calculator.compute( points=points, box=box, periodic=True, quantities="ijSd" ) .. tab-item:: TorchScript C++ The entry point for the TorchScript API is the :py:class:`vesin.torch.NeighborList` class in Python, and the corresponding :cpp:class:`vesin_torch::NeighborListHolder` class in C++; both modeled after the standard Python API. For C++, the class is available in the ``vesin_torch.hpp`` header. In both cases, the code is integrated with PyTorch autograd framework, meaning if the ``points`` or ``box`` argument have ``requires_grad=True``, then the ``d`` (distances) and ``D`` (distance vectors) outputs will be integrated to the computational graph. .. code-block:: C++ #include #include int main() { auto options = torch::TensorOptions().dtype(torch::kFloat64); auto positions = torch.tensor( {{0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.3, 1.3}}, options ); positions.requires_grad_(true); auto box = 3.2 * torch.eye(3, options); auto calculator = torch::make_intrusive( /*cutoff=*/ 4.2, /*full_list=*/ true ); calculator. auto outputs = calculator.compute( /*points=*/ points, /*box=*/ box, /*periodic=*/ true, /*quantities=*/ "ijSd", /*copy=*/ true, ); auto i = outputs[0]; auto j = outputs[1]; auto S = outputs[2]; auto d = outputs[3]; // ... } API Reference ------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: Vesin .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 python-api torch-api c-api .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: benchmarks