.. _userdoc-how-to-property-selection: Property Selection ================== This examples shows how to only compute a subset of properties for each sample with a given rascaline representation. In particular, we will use the SOAP power spectrum representation, and select the most significant features within a single block using farthest point sampling (FPS). We will run the calculation for all atomic systems stored in a file, the path to which should be given as the first command line argument. This is useful if we are interested in the contribution of individual features to the result, or if we want to reduce the computational cost by using only part of the features for our model. The first part of this example repeats the :ref:`userdoc-how-to-computing-soap`, so we suggest that you read it initially. We will use the implementation of Farthest Point Sampling from scikit-matter, if you want to learn more have a look at the `scikit-matter documentation `_. You can obtain a testing dataset from our :download:`website <../../static/dataset.xyz>`. .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Python .. container:: sphx-glr-footer sphx-glr-footer-example .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-python :download:`Download Python source code for this example: property-selection.py <../examples/property-selection.py>` .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-jupyter :download:`Download Jupyter notebook for this example: property-selection.ipynb <../examples/property-selection.ipynb>` .. include:: ../examples/property-selection.rst :start-after: start-body :end-before: end-body .. group-tab:: Rust To be done .. group-tab:: C++ To be done .. group-tab:: C To be done