.. _userdoc-how-to-long-range-descriptor: Long-range only LODE descriptor =============================== The :py:class:`LodeSphericalExpansion ` allows the calculation of a descriptor that includes all atoms within the system and projects them onto a spherical expansion/ fingerprint within a given ``cutoff``. This is very useful if long-range interactions between atoms are important to describe the physics and chemistry of a collection of atoms. However, as stated the descriptor contains **ALL** atoms of the system and sometimes it can be desired to only have a long-range/exterior only descriptor that only includes the atoms outside a given cutoff. Sometimes there descriptors are also denoted by far-field descriptors. A long range only descriptor can be particular useful when one already has a good descriptor for the short-range density like (SOAP) and the long-range descriptor (far field) should contain different information from what the short-range descriptor already offers. Such descriptor can be constructed within `rascaline` as sketched by the image below. .. figure:: ../../static/images/long-range-descriptor.* :align: center In this example will construct such a descriptor using the :ref:`radial integral splining ` tools of `rascaline`. .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Python .. container:: sphx-glr-footer sphx-glr-footer-example .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-python :download:`Download Python source code for this example: long-range-descriptor.py <../examples/long-range-descriptor.py>` .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-jupyter :download:`Download Jupyter notebook for this example: long-range-descriptor.ipynb <../examples/long-range-descriptor.ipynb>` .. include:: ../examples/long-range-descriptor.rst :start-after: start-body :end-before: end-body