What is rascaline ================= Rascaline is a library for the efficient computing of representations for atomistic machine learning also called "descriptors" or "fingerprints". These representation can be used for atomistic machine learning (ML) models including ML potentials, visualization or similarity analysis. There exist several libraries able to compute such structural representations, such as `DScribe`_, `QUIP`_, and many more. Rascaline tries to distinguish itself by focussing on speed and memory efficiency of the calculations, with the explicit goal of running molecular simulations with ML potentials. In particular, memory efficiency is achieved by using the `metatensor`_ to store the structural representation. Additionally, rascaline is not limited to a single representation but supports several: .. include:: ../../../README.rst :start-after: inclusion-marker-representations-start :end-before: inclusion-marker-representations-end .. _DScribe: https://singroup.github.io/dscribe/ .. _QUIP: https://www.libatoms.org .. _metatensor: https://lab-cosmo.github.io/metatensor/